
3 Extra Costs You Should Budget for After Buying a Suspension Lift Kit


Installing a suspension lift kit on your 4x4 truck can dramatically alter its appearance and performance. Those changes necessitate you to spend on more than the cost of buying the lift kit. This article discusses some of the extra costs that you should prepare for when you buy a suspension lift kit. New Suspension Components Installing a suspension lift kit requires the installer to replace several components on the vehicle so that it can accommodate the changes to its structure.

26 August 2016

3 Things that Will Tell You It's Time for an Engine Overhaul


Your car's engine is one of the busiest components. It gets to work the moment you turn on the ignition and only rests after you turn the car off. With this regular use, your engine's components are bound to wear out and adversely affect the performance of your car. This is why you need an engine overhaul. An overhaul is a thorough tune-up of the engine, which involves the removal, disassembly, cleaning, testing and replacement of the worn out engine components.

22 August 2016